Über Maik Nowodworski

Der Lichtkonzeptkünstler Maik Nowodworski entwickelt seine Werke mit einer Collagentechnik. Diese sind stimmig konzipiert und mit einem besonderen Blick für die Atmosphäre umgesetzt, dass sich der Betrachter dieser verzauberten Surrealität nicht entziehen kann.

Dies erreicht Nowodworski vor allem durch das Einsetzen einer künstlichen Lichtquelle, die er individuell passend zu einem Bildmotiv einbaut. So verbergen seine Werke Botschaften, die nur im abgedunkelten Raum und im beleuchteten Zustand zu sehen sind. Der Betrachter sieht zwei unterschiedliche Visionen in einem Bild.

Sein Ziel ist es den Betrachter einen Blick in eine andere Welt zu öffnen. Seine Kunst soll den Betrachter aufwecken und ihn an die verborgene Schönheit des Lebens erinnern. Der Künstler möchte mit seiner Arbeit Werke erschaffen, die jederzeit aus einem neuen Blickwinkel heraus betrachtet werden können.


In 1998 I started trying my hand at clothes. Then I tried my handat graffiti and eventually I developed this unique technique over 17 years. Without light, human eyes cannot perceive colours. This fact is what drives me. It is a fascination every day when a work of art transforms into another image at nightfall. Through my individually developed technique, I can depict two positions in one painting in a surprising way.

I paint to show the world, microscopically, the deepest part of my soul. I want to capture the most sombre and joyful emotions, moments and thoughts in my own way forever. I want to create something that will outlast me. To show how colourful and beautiful our world is. How alive and lively it is. In my works, even after months and years, you still discover things youhaven't seen before.

I deal with socio-political themes. Often I give the paintings an artistic theme that reflects fundamental, contemporary content. I try to include the hidden beauty of our planet in my positions. Nowadays it is more important than ever to focus on the positive. To look closely to see how many wonderful and unique things we are constantly surrounded by. I am also very fascinated by the wrinkles of old people. What individual stories they tell. They are the calligraphy of life! When I am old one day and have a face full of wrinkles, I want to look back on countless beautiful moments. Countless works that also bring joy to the viewers. That my customers will enjoy. Day after day. Night after night. I am already very grateful for that. That is the power that drives me. After all, we have made it this far. I keep that in mind every